Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Could This Possibly Work?

This picture helps me to explain a portion of my experience in India. This is a photograph that I took of a 'cash drawer' at a cafe in Rishikesh and it is similar to every cash drawer that I glimpsed in India.

The 'System' as best as I could tell, seemed to be:
A standard drawer in a desk or counter (usually, but not always, a locking drawer)
1. The cashier would accept the currency tendered
2. (Un-lock and) open the drawer
3. Toss, drop, usually throw, or occasionally place the bill(s) into the drawer
4. The cashier would then fish around in the drawer for appropriate change
5. Finishing by closing (and locking) the drawer

[The 'cash drawer' pictured has a bowl for coins which was more segmented than most of the drawers that I noticed, studied. There were a few drawers where the bills were grouped together in a fold.]

My 'Western/American' idea of a 'cash drawer' was reconfigured by viewing the practice of a cash drawer in India. Granted my highly structured idea of what constitutes an organized system is slightly above the norm. From experience if I was working with a cash drawer not only would the bills go into the proper slot designated for the $1 bills but they would be straightened and faced as well.

I saw what I may have thought was 'no system at all' functioning very fluidly and it has left me wondering.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Journey Home

It is my last morning of this journey. I depart from London later today. It has been quite an experience. Each day has brought so much that they seem like weeks rather than simply days. Not in a bad way, or in a good way either, but in a full way.

Great gratitude for my experiences: new friends/family, new perspectives, a new world, important reminders, total disbelief transformed into the everyday occurence, challenges, patience, resistance and release with varying degrees of suffering, complete wonder.

I return to the U.S. later today to the joy that is time with my family.

More pictures and realizations to come.

My very best,